God gives us great latitude in the expression and enjoyment of sexual lovemaking when it strengthens the bond of the covenant of marriage. With Covenant Lovers, you and your spouse explore scriptural principles with helpful instruction to guide you in discussing behaviors and developing a repertoire of mutually agreed upon activities. Seek God’s heart as you begin your own sacred adventure of building a more creative, passionate, and fun-filled sex life in your own distinctive, Holy Spirit inspired way!
Explore the mystery by asking: What does God want us to teach us through our sexuality and desire for a mutually fulfilling sex life? What does sexuality teach us about God’s love and the joy of expressing love to our mate sexually? What does our Creator think about sexual pleasure, assertiveness, creativity, and playfulness? Is it godly to learn about our bodies?
Intimate partners share feelings, attitudes, and touches that draw lovers closer. As in all marriages, partners will have differences and yet need to maintain accepting attitudes and a bonding love. Mature lovers are willing to be vulnerable, sharing our deepest self while receiving the same transparency from our spouse. Intimacy requires a willingness to adjust, instead of just promoting our own reality. Intimate, mature lovemaking inspires the lovers, both individually and together, to become truly “naked and unashamed” as they create a colorful, total intimacy.
Covenant Lovers: God’s Plan for A Celebration of Sex Participant Guide is the workbook designed for couples working through the material. It provides instruction and exercises for the couple.
Covenant Lovers: God’s Plan for A Celebration of Sex Instructor’s Guide assists trained leaders in teaching the Covenant Lovers material. The instructors guide contains all the information in the Participant Guide plus instructions and guides for presenting each section.
About Covenant Lovers



Deborah Neel
Deborah C. Neel, Ph.D. is a Licensed Psychologist, a certified Health Services Provider - Psychologist (HSP-P) and Certified Sex Therapist (AASECT and ABCST). Early in her career she taught special education and then served as a School Psychologist with a local school system. She works closely with other healthcare providers, housing her office at one time within a pediatrician's office and most recently within an OB/GYN clinic. She has worked with children, parents, and spouses in her private practice for the past 30+ years, specializing in marital and sex therapy for the last ten. Debbie co-authored A Celebration of Sex Guidebook and a biblically based curriculum (workbook & DVD), Covenant Lovers: God's Plan for a Celebration of Sex. She speaks locally and nationally, conducting workshops, seminars and retreats on marital intimacy. Debbie helps train professional and lay people to teach God's design of healthy marital sexuality.
Douglas Rosenau, EdD
Douglas E. Rosenau, Ed.D. (1947-2022), was a Licensed Psychologist and Marriage and Family Therapist, specializing in sex therapy. For over thirty years he maintained a private practice, acquiring skills and gaining experience while listening to over 50,000 hours of stories. Doug used this practical wisdom in authoring A Celebration of Sex, co-authoring A Celebration Guidebook; A Celebration of Sex After 50; and Soul Virgins: Redefining Single Sexuality. He was a nationally known conference speaker who loved to mentor and encourage. He was passionate about helping to equip and empower church leaders to teach healthy sexuality within their communities as he sought to fulfill his calling to “cultivate a sexually health Church.” Doug served as an adjunct professor at Richmont Graduate University in Atlanta, Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS, Trevecca Nazarene University in Nashville, and Dallas Theological Seminary.
Formats and Purchasing
The Covenant Lovers workbook is available in both a Leaders Guide and a Participant Guide. You must have completed the training to purchase this material. Contact Us with when/where you were trained and we will assit you in ordering the materials.