Instructions for purchasing the ISW Course Packet
Note: This is for 7532
Sexual Dysfunctions, Addictive, Compulsive and Paraphilic Sexuality
held at Richmont July 2022

You are about to purchase a large PDF eBook from Sexual Wholeness Resources. Please read the following carefully to ensure you do not have problems.
Book Format: PDF
Size: 199 pages.
Cost: $50.00
This book contains almost all the slides used during the course training. Putting the information together for this packet has taken hours of work and it contains a wealth of valuable information. It is essentially the core text for the course.
NOTE: The information contained in this packet is protected by copyright. In purchasing this packet, you are purchasing the PDF ebook for the purpose of your own study and learning. Each page of the packet will be stamped with the purchasers name. You agree that you will not share this packet with anyone in digital or printed form.
If you agree to these terms, please click the link below.
- You will be taken to PayPal to purchase the packet.
- After purchase, you will see a link to download the packet on the web page that pops up.
- You will also receive several emails.
- One from PayPal with your receipt.
- One will come from e-Junkie, the service that distributes our eBook. Please check your spam/junk mail for email from e-Junkie.
- You are allowed five attempts to download the packet over the next 72 hours. Please download the packet right away. The emails from e-Junkie have the download link in them if you need. If you have trouble, don’t worry. We can reset the timer or number of attempts without difficulty for you. Just email Dr. Sytsma with your receipt/transaction number.
- Once downloaded, you may print the packet (we recommend printing on 3-hole punch paper – single sided to have room for notes – and putting it in a binder). You may also bring the packet to class in digital form (iPad, notebook computer, etc.). Any PDF reader will open the packet and many PDF Readers (software) allow you to takes notes (annotate) right in the packet.
- Professional copy stores (i.e., Office Depot, Office Max, Staples, etc.) may refuse to print the packet due to the copyright on it. Please take a copy of this letter with you which authorizes them to print it.
- We STRONGLY advise against attempting to print this packet on campus the morning before class. Attempting to do so may result in not having the packet printed for class.
- If you have any trouble, please email Dr. Sytsma. You can reach him at: m.sytsma [at sign] Please note that due to travel and work he will not be able to assist on Thursday before, or Friday morning of class.